Brand Photographer Hawaii

I'm Vanessa, your new branding bestie.

I offer branding photography & coaching to female small business owners. Whether you’re a freelancer, startup founder, or established company ready to scale. My process & expertise can help you build a brand that reflects your own unique expression. Help you build a community of loyal customers and show off the best of who you are as creator.


your brand has the power to change your life

I've been able to re-discover my sense of self and re-build my confidence through my brand and you can do it too!

We’ve all heard my story before wether it’s been from me, a friend, our maybe even yourself. A decade ago I was in my early 20s finding myself as an adult, enjoying nightlife (maybe a little bit too much, but that’s a different story), and working a job where I was surrounded by my best friends. 

I met my now husband, got pregnant, had a baby, and quit my job to live out my dream of being a stay at home mom. 

Little did I know that being a stay at home mom came with much reward, but not without a new set of struggles I never expected. 

I lost my sense of self. The Vanessa that I once knew was long gone. I poured myself into my family and let myself go. 

I, like many others, grasped at straws to find my thing while in throws of motherhood. In a span of 8 years I acquired: A move an ocean away from home, 1 failed photography business, 2 regrettable attempts at MLMs (makes me cringe to this day), 1 degree in graphic design, an ADHD diagnosis, & a handful of freelance graphic design clients (half of which I had to fire).

I felt like a failure.

It wasn’t until the end of 2020 where I decided I needed to get back to my passion, photography. So I started from scratch and dove head in at the beginning of 2021.

In the past year I’ve learned and grown so much. I was able to find my passion, figure out my why, and expand my business based on my experience and skills I acquired in those eight years.

The most rewarding part was finding my confidence and putting that all together in my brand to create my dream job.

Believe me when I say that if I could do it, you can do it too. There is nothing special or different about me other than my choice to make a change and write a new chapter for myself. 

Being able to share my experience with my clients to see them leap into a new phase of life is the ultimate gift. It’s never too late to start something new or try again. 

You are worthy of everything you desire and your brand can help you get there!

my mission

My goal is to empower female small business owners, like you, to embrace your deepest desires while bringing your personality into your brand.

You know why I'm so passionate about this? Because you shouldn't have to change or put yourself into a box to be profitable. You can create a space where you can be unapologetically you and attract people who will want to work with you because of that!


Years of experience in coaching


clients helped throughout career




biz owners joined the mastermind

the girl behind it all

I value positivity, optimism, fun, empowerment, and authenticity. 

These are the same values I base my brand on, and I never take for granted the opportunity to leave an impact on my audience or clients! 

Community is also something really special to me! The world needs more powerful females coming together and helping each other out!

I am Disney obsessed! My life is not complete unless I know when my next Disney trip is!

I love everything pink & sparkly!

I am rediscovering my love for fashion (it’s what I went to college for after high school)!

I am a self proclaimed self help junkie! I also love learning all things related to spirituality & astrology.

I love to travel and see new places!

I’m an Aquarius Moon, Libra Rising, & Leo Sun.

I am a mom of 2.

I never know what shade of pink my hair will be.

Despite popular belief my favorite color is Chartreuse.

To add to my resume I am a licensed cosmetologist.

I was diagnosed with ADHD at the tender age of 28.

Vanessa Schwinn Photography | About Hawaii Brand Photographer Vanessa Schwinn

Let's Hangout!

1:1 Brand Strategy Coaching

As a female business owner myself, I know how challenging it can be to find the time to stay inspired & motivated and to keep focused on your goals. I get it! I’ve been there. You’re looking for ways to grow your businesses yet feel like you’re spinning in circles.

A confident brand that attracts and magnetizes clients is the solution. Let’s get one step closer to doing just that with a fun and engaging brand strategy session that will get ready to expand your brand in ways you knew were possible.

As seen in:

Digital Shop

My shop has been created WITH YOU in mind! There are resources for literally everything you need to start your journey. From designing to branding, marketing & much more.

1:1 Coaching

While some parts of running a business can be hard work, the most important thing about you is that you have what it takes to achieve greatness. You just need the space to open up & explore.


Tell your brand’s story and create a memorable narrative with strategic photography. The focus will be on you, what you do, and most importantly what makes your brand unique! 

Vanessa Schwinn Photography | Brand Photographer Hawaii Oahu | Branding Coach